viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

P.E. Class this week, January 28 to February 1, 2013

I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:
-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots
Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

Prevention Tips
1.   Neosporin (or another antibiotic cream) is good for chafed areas (if you didn’t use your BodyGlide!).
2. Make sure you cut your toenails short enough so they don’t jam into your Shoes!
3. Put some BodyGlide between your toes on long runs.
4. Be careful about running on paths that force you to run consistently on a slant. It’s hard on the hips knees and IT bands.
5. Don’t stretch before a run. Warm up by walking briskly or jogging slowly for several minutes.
6. Do not ice for more than 20 minutes at a time.
7. Do not use the hot tub after a race. It will increase inflammation and hinder healing.
8. Frozen peas make a great ice pack for aches and pains. A thin t-towel wrapped around them makes the cold more comfortable.
… Will continue

P.E. Class this week
We still strengthen the vocabulary that is learned in the classroom; such as, foot, arm, leg, eyes, nose, mouth, knee, elbow, head, neck, hands, and fingers.

This week, we will continue to develop gross motor skills by going on an imaginary journey to the mountains of Honduras.

First grade
We continue to work on volleyball pre-sports activities such as, parachutes, volleyball, and races with the ball hoop.

Second grade
This week, we continue to develop teamwork activities (such as parachute games) that will lead to the volleyball pre-sport activities.

Third grade
We continue developing teamwork activities, and participating games that develop the volleyball pre-sport activities.

Fourth grade
We will begin to develop strategy games in couples and in groups. At the same time we will continue with the practice of soccer basic skills. The students will put into practice what they have learned through soccer pre-sports activities.

Fifth grade
This week the fifth grade students will test their creativity and ability to improvise, to participate in strategic games (individually, in pairs and teams). We will also continue with the implementation of the soccer basic skills: reception, pass, control and shot.

martes, 22 de enero de 2013

P.E. Class this week, January 22 to January 25, 2013

I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:
-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots
Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

Prevention Tips
1.  Do not run two hard days back-to-back.
2.Ice aches and pains immediately.
3.Pay attention to your form. Try to run lightly to minimize impact that could lead to injury.
4.Cut your Training by at least 30 percent to 50 percent every 4th or 5th week for recovery.
5.When trail running don’t forget the bug spray.
… Will continue

P.E. Class this week

We still strengthen the vocabulary that is learned in the classroom; such as, foot, arm, leg, eyes, nose, mouth, knee, elbow, head, neck, hands, and fingers.

This week, we will continue to develop gross motor skills by going on an imaginary journey to the mountains of Honduras.

First grade
We continue to work on volleyball pre-sports activities such as, parachutes, volleyball, and races with the ball hoop.

Second grade
This week, we continue to develop teamwork activities (such as parachute games) that will lead to the volleyball pre-sport activities.

Third grade
We continue developing teamwork activities, and participating games that develop the volleyball pre-sport activities.

Fourth grade
We will begin to develop strategy games in couples and in groups. At the same time we will continue with the practice of soccer basic skills. The students will put into practice what they have learned through soccer pre-sports activities.

Fifth grade
This week the fifth grade students will test their creativity and ability to improvise, to participate in strategic games (individually, in pairs and teams). We will also continue with the implementation of the soccer basic skills: reception, pass, control and shot. 

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

P.E. Class this week, January 14 to January 18, 2013
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:
-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots
Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

Prevention Tips
1.  Use Vaseline or BodyGlide wherever things rub. They will help prevent blisters and chafing (guys don’t forget the nipples).
2.Do not increase your mileage more than 10 percent per week.
3.Guys: Band-Aids before the long runs. Your nipples will thank you in the shower afterwards.
4.Log your mileage for your legs and your Shoes. Too much on either will cause you injury.
5.If you are prone to shin splints and lower leg pain try running soft trails for your Training runs and save the asphalt for race day.
… Will continue

P.E. Class this week
This week we will continue working on strengthenering following instructions: standing and sitting, up and down. We are going to play games in which the students will follow instructions for their development.

We are working on strengthening the colors and clothing knowledge through games such as, color races. We are also going to play animal walks and name races.
First Grade
This week we will continue developing volleyball pre-sports activities through teamwork activities such as big ball games.

Second Grade
This week we will continue developing teamwork activities that will lead to the development of volleyball pre-sport activities.

Third Grade
We will continue developing teamwork, manipulation skills activities, and begin to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.

Fourth Grade
This week we will continue with activities that promote balance by playing games such as The Dancer Broken Bridge. The students will start working in the management and control of the soccer ball activities.

Fifth Grade
This week we will practice activities that help the students improve in the balance of their body, such as “The Fisherman and The River”, among others.  As a complement the students are going to participate in exercises with a soccer ball.

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

P.E. Class this week, January 8 to January 11, 2013
 I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:
-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots
Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

1.  On long runs eat something every hour—whether you feel like it or not.
2.During longer runs if you don’t like to carry water take some cash in your pocket pouch or a shoe wallet. Run a route where there’s a corner store that you can use as a pit stop to pick up your water and maybe use the bathroom.
3.Avoid eating spicy foods before running and the night before your long runs.
4.To aid recovery the most crucial time to eat and drink is in the hour immediately after you run.
… Will continue

P.E. Class this week
This week we are working to strengthen following instructions: standing, sitting, up and down. We are going to play games in which the students will follow instructions for their development.

We are working on strengthening the colors and clothing knowledge through games such as, color races. Also we are going to play animal walks and name races.

This week we are going to begin to develop volleyball pre-sports activities through teamwork activities such as big ball games.

This week we will develop teamwork activities that will lead to the development of volleyball pre-sport activities.

We will develop teamwork, manipulation skills activities, and begin to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.


This week we will develop activities that promote the balance by playing games such as the dancer broken bridge. The students will start working in the management and control of the soccer ball activities.

This week we will practice activities that help the students to improve the balance of their body, such as the fisherman and the river, among others.  As a complement the students are going to develop exercises with a soccer ball.