lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

P.E. Class this week August 31 to September 4, 2015
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:

-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

DISMISSAL – We remind our parents that our student’s safety is our number one priority, and that every mechanism we use during the dismissal at 3:00 p.m. is geared towards that purpose. Please follow the instructions and procedures established by the teachers on parking lot duty, and ask your drivers to do so as well. Slow down when driving in and out of campus, and roll the window down so the teachers in the parking lot can call your child(ren) ahead of time. We thank you for your patience and cooperation in these first days of the school year.

STICKERS FOR YOUR VEHICLES – Each family will be issued a sticker for his/her car free of charge. Additional stickers may be purchased if needed at the Administrative building. Please make sure you bring the license plate number for the car(s) you are purchasing sticker(s) for.

HEADS UP ON THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS - Congress has voted on changing the holidays that were scheduled for the end of October and move them to October 7, 8, and 9. Even though this was just announced this week, we will be looking for further confirmation on the finality of this disposition. Please make a note of this since we will need to comply with what the government mandates, which would mean moving our holidays to the new dates.

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES – Information regarding our After School Activities (French, Kempo, Choir, Jazz Band, Violin, Athletics, Soccer and Basketball) will be sent home in the middle of the week.

Tuesday, Sept 8                Mid Term
Friday, Sept. 11                 Independence Day Celebration /                      Early Dismissal/ Progress Reports sent home
Monday & Tuesday           Honduran Independence Day Holiday
Sept 14 & 15

P.E. Class this week

Second Grade
Besides working on following instructions, we will be strengthening laterality (i.e. right and left, around, through it).

Third Grade
We worked on the appropriate ways to warm up, each student had the opportunity to contribute with an exercise. We continue working on following instructions with games and directions given to the students, and participating in strategy games.

Fourth Grade
Students will begin to engage in activities that help in developing their physical abilities such as speed, strength and endurance.

Fifth Grade
The students will know their physical abilities in different kinds of muscle in addition to developing their motor skills.

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