viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

P.E. Class this week, May 27 to May 31, 2013
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:
-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

The season is getting hotter! It is recommended for children to wear sunblock and always have their water bottle with them.

Monday May 27, No School (Memorial Day)

During the last weeks of school, we will practice and play Honduran traditional games. These activities help us enhance all the objectives achieved during the year such as gross and fine motor development, coordination, agility, speed, hand-eye coordination among others.

-       Esconde, esconde la faja
-       Mar y tierra

-       Esconde, esconde la faja 
-       Pelea de gallos

First Grade
-       Pelea de gallos
-       Zancos

Second Grade
-       Zancos
-       Encostalados
-       Saltar la cuerda

Third Grade
-       Tres pies
-       Rayuela
-       Zancos
-       Carrera de huevos

Fourth Grade
-     Encostalados
-     Mables
-     Salto de cuerda
-     Ponerle la Cola al Burro

Fifth Grade
-     Peleas Indias
-     Rayuela
-     Tacon
-     Trompo

DISCOVERY ZONE 4 – Our amazing Summer Camp is back, beginning June 10. If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) please stop by the office to pick up the registration form or access the form on our website (  Great discounts are available!

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