lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

PE Class this week May 21 to May 25, 2012

Parents don’t forget to send your children with the appropriate clothing on the days that they have P.E. class:

- No dresses for the girls
- No jeans
- No crocks
- No sandals
- No boots
Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

P.E. CLASS May 21 to 25

The last weeks of classes, we will practice and play traditional games; these activities help us to enhance all the objectives achieved during the year, such as gross and fine motor development, coordination, agility, speed, hand-eye coordination among others.

-       Esconde, esconde la faja
-       Mar y tierra

-       Esconde, esconde la faja
-       Pelea de gallos

-       Pelea de gallos
-       Zancos

-       Zancos
-       Encostalados
-       Saltar la cuerda

-       Tres pies
-       Rayuela
-       Zancos
-       Carrera de huevos

4th, 5th and Secondary
According to the P.E. curriculum, from 4th to 11th grade the students are doing some activities outside of the school. We will be going to different places that have the necessary equipment to complete all of the planned activities.

16-20 April
Olympic Gymnastic
Villa Olímpica
23-27 April
Villa Olímpica
7-11 May
Horseback Riding
EL Molino
14-18 May
Villa Olímpica
21-25 May
Rock Climbing

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