sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

P.E. class the week of November 14 to November 23, 2011

We are having a lot of fun with prekinder as we are learning to do warm up’s and exercises that they can do if they follow instructions; such as follow the leader game, and boys and girls races. 

We still developing gross motor skills by playing the scorpion game and running some obstacles races.

We are still developing some volleyball pre-sport activities, by doing volleys in pairs with the official size ball. 

We are going to do volleys in pairs and threes with a volley ball, these activities will lead to the development of volleyball pre-sport activities.

We continue developing teamwork activities, by working on volley activities in pairs and circles to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.

We are developing teamwork by doing volley games in pairs, circles, and teams to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.

We are playing volleyball games using volley balls and observing some of the official rules.


This week, we will continue to strengthen volleyball drills; such as, the lob, the reception, and the serve.  Also, we are going to begin a review of individuals to see if they have learned these items.

In grades 9- 11, we will introduce the kids to the offensives systems; such as, 4-2 and 5-1, which are used in volleyball.

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