domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010



We would like to remind all parents that our annual Songfest will take place this coming Thursday December 16th. The DPTO will be selling Holiday food an hour before the student presentations, which will be starting promptly at 6:00 p.m. We invite all parents and students to come at 5:00 p.m. for supper, to catch up with friends, purchase the Choir CD and the Discovery School cookbook for holiday gifts, and enjoy the presentations our students have been working on. The program should last about one hour and thirty minutes. We hope to see you all there.


Choose Red or Black Colored Grapes
Scientific Name: Vitus spp.
Biological Background: Grape is a pulpy, smooth-skinned berry, growing in clusters on vines. Grape was domesticated before 5,000 B.C. and is one of the oldest cultivated fruits.
Nutritional Information: Ten seedless grapes (50 g) provide 35 calories, 0.3 g protein, 8.9 g carbohydrate, 1.0 g fiber, 105 mg potassium, 5.4 mg vitamin C, 0.05 mg thiamin, 0.03 mg riboflavin, and 0.15 mg niacin.
Pharmacological Activity: Grape is a rich storehouse of antioxidant and anticancer compounds, including flavonoids (anthocyanin), quercetin, and resveratol (red grape skin). Grapes can inhibit blood-platelet clumping and consequently blood clot formation, and boost good type HDL cholesterol. Red grapes are antibacterial and antiviral. It has strong activity against cancers.
Eating Tips: Choose red or black colored grape instead of white or green one and eat with grape skin on to get the most health benefits.

P.E. class this week

In P.E. class, we will continue developing the proposed activities from last week.

We are still working on warm ups exercises that they can do if they follow instructions; such as follow the leader game, and boys and girls races.

We are still running some obstacles races to develop gross motor skills and playing animal games.

We are still developing some volleyball pre-sport activities, by doing volleys low and high, in pairs with the official size ball.

We are going to do low volley and high volley in pairs and threes with a volley ball, these activities will lead to the development of volleyball pre-sport activities.

We continue developing teamwork activities, by working on low volley and high volley activities in pairs and circles to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.

We are developing teamwork by doing low volley and high volley games in pairs, circles, and teams to develop volleyball pre-sport activities.

We are playing volleyball games using volley balls and observing some of the official rules.

This week we are still makeing a series of exercises, to familiarize students with one of the most popular sports in Europe, “Handball” which is a combination of football and basketball.

We finally have the date for our first soccer game in the regional tournament of bilingual schools, which will be on Monday, January 10, 2011, at 3:00 pm. Discovery School girl’s team versus Mayan School and at 4:00 pm Discovery School boy’s team versus Estancia School.
All the games will be held in Del Campo School.

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