miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

P.E. Class this week September 28 to October 2, 2015
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:

-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

Movie Morning FunThe DPTO will be showing Hotel Transylvania 2 at Novacentro this Saturday, October 3 at 10:30 a.m. The movie will be shown in English! Tickets are very limited! They will be first sold during the General Assembly this Saturday, and the following week. The price of each ticket is Lps. 250 and includes entrance to the movie and your choice of combos of popcorn and drink, hot dog and drink, or nachos and drink. For information email us at discoverypto@gmail.com

UN Day Preparations- The DPTO has begun preparations for our school UN DAY celebration on Friday, October 30, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. All school families are invited to participate and represent their country of origin. If you have a typical outfit from your country, and would like to participate in the annual showcase, please contact Carolina Villareal carovilla252@hotmail.com or Miriam Salgado miriamasalgado@yahoo.es

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 – We want to remind our parents that this Friday is an early dismissal day (11:45 a.m.) for our students. We will be following A.M. Schedule.

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits the children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will be having a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors should email, Discovery_bazaar@outlook.com.

HELPING HANDS- COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB- Sunday, October 4th will be out next visit to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage.  The club is open to all Discovery families and Secondary students.  Secondary students should attend the meeting on Tuesday, September 29th at lunch in Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7).  Anyone else interested in joining us can email Mrs. Agurcia at cagurcia@discoveryschool.edu.hn.

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9. We will be complying and changing the holidays.
We understand that some families may have purchased tickets for trips at the end of October, and we will be as accommodating as possible in helping our students with missed work. If this is the case, please contact the teachers and/or area coordinator to make the arrangements for makeup work and content.

ADVANCED EXTERNAL REVIEW TEAM VISIT -- The school continues preparing for the AdvancED team visit October 18-22. The team has invited all parents for a meeting on Tuesday, October 20, from 2:15 to 3:15. The Early Childhood and Elementary parents will meet in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, and the Middle and High School Parents will meet in Community Information Center. Please mark your calendars/agendas if you are interested in coming and being a part of this accreditation process.

SCHOOL CAFETERIA – please check out the weekly menus and other delicious news by visiting the school cafeteria blog at http://wolvescafeteria.blogspot.com

Important Dates Coming Up:

Saturday, October 3        DPTO Movie @ Novacentro “Transylvania 2” @ 10:30 a.m.
October 7, 8, 9                 NO SCHOOL - Government Holiday
October 18 – 22                 ADVANCED  REACCREDITATION  VISIT
October 23                          Student Led Conferences
October 30                          UN Day Celebration; Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) P.M. Schedule

MAP Testing Schedule
Make Up Days October 5 and 6
Monday, Sept. 28
Tuesday, Sept. 29
Wednesday,  Sept. 30
Thursday, Oct. 1
Friday, Oct. 2
8:30 – 9:45   
7th Grade B
8:30 – 9:45  
2nd Grade A
8:30 – 9:45   
4th Grade B
8:30 – 9:45   
6th Grade B
8:30 – 9:45   
9th Grade  
10:05 – 11:20  
8th Grade
10:05 – 11:20  
2nd  Grade B
10:05 – 11:20
7th Grade A
10:05 – 11:20
7th Grade B
10:05 – 11:20
10th Grade
11:40 – 12:55
11:40 – 12:55
3rd Grade
11:40 – 12:55
5th Grade B
11:40 – 12:55
5th Grade A

1:15 – 2:30  
1st Grade A & B
1:15 – 2:30  
4th Grade A
1:15 – 2:30  
6th Grade A
1:15 – 2:30  
8th Grade


P.E. Class this week
Second Grade
Besides working on following instructions, we will be strengthening laterality (i.e. right and left, around, through it).

Third Grade
We will continue to work on the appropriate ways to warm up. Each student will have the opportunity to contribute with an exercise. We will also be working on follow instructions with games and directions given to the students, and participating in speed and strategy games. 

Fourth Grade
This week we will continue addressing the physical bases of the body conducting and assessments in speed, jumping, strength, and endurance. These assessments establish a starting point to determine the physical capabilities of each student.

Fifth Grade

This week will continue to learn about the physical condition of each student. Each student will be encouraged to put forth his or her best effort in a battery of standardized tests, each task focusing on a different physical element of their basic skills.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

P.E. Class this week September 21 to September 25, 2015
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:

-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

FALL GENERAL ASSEMBLY –Parents are invited to attend the Fall General Assembly on Saturday, September 26 at 9:00 a.m.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

BRICKS4KIDZ – The first module for Bricks4kidz will begin on Friday, September 18. Each module will have only 4 sessions, at a cost of L1,000 per module. A Bricks4kidz representative will be in school on Friday, September 11 for those of you who are interested in enrolling your child(ren). For more information on Bricks4kidz please visit http://www.bricks4kidz.com/

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9. We will be complying and changing the holidays. 
Important Dates Coming Up:
Tuesday, Sept 16                MAP Fall testing session begins
Saturday, Sept 26               Fall General Assembly 9:00 a.m.

P.E. Class this week
Second Grade
Besides working on following instructions, we will be strengthening laterality (i.e. right and left, around, through it).

Third Grade
We will continue to work on the appropriate ways to warm up. Each student will have the opportunity to contribute with an exercise. We will also be working on follow instructions with games and directions given to the students, and participating in speed and strategy games. 

Fourth Grade
This week we will continue addressing the physical bases of the body conducting and assessments in speed, jumping, strength, and endurance. These assessments establish a starting point to determine the physical capabilities of each student.

Fifth Grade

This week will continue to learn about the physical condition of each student. Each student will be encouraged to put forth his or her best effort in a battery of standardized tests, each task focusing on a different physical element of their basic skills.

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

P.E. Class this week September 15 to September 18, 2015
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:

-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

FALL GENERAL ASSEMBLY –Parents are invited to attend the Fall General Assembly on Saturday, September 26 at 9:00 a.m.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

BRICKS4KIDZ – The first module for Bricks4kidz will begin on Friday, September 18. Each module will have only 4 sessions, at a cost of L1,000 per module. A Bricks4kidz representative will be in school on Friday, September 11 for those of you who are interested in enrolling your child(ren). For more information on Bricks4kidz please visit http://www.bricks4kidz.com/

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9. We will be complying and changing the holidays. 

Important Dates Coming Up:
Tuesday, Sept 16                MAP Fall testing session begins
Saturday, Sept 26               Fall General Assembly 9:00 a.m.

P.E. Class this week
Second Grade
Besides working on following instructions, we will be strengthening laterality (i.e. right and left, around, through it).

Third Grade
We worked on the appropriate ways to warm up, each student had the opportunity to contribute with an exercise. We continue working on following instructions with games and directions given to the students, and participating in strategy games.

Fourth Grade
Students will begin to engage in activities that help in developing their physical abilities such as speed, strength and endurance.

Fifth Grade
The students will know their physical abilities in different kinds of muscle in addition to developing their motor skills.

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

P.E. Class this week September 7 to September 11, 2015
I would like to remind parents to send your children dressed in an appropriate way for the days that they have P.E. class:

-  No dresses for the girls
-  No jeans
-  No crocks
-  No sandals
-  No boots

Children who are not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be allowed to participate in P.E. class.

DESAYUNO TIPICO – We ask our parents to collaborate with our teachers in the organization of each classroom’s Desayuno Tipico for Friday, September 11. This will take place during first period (8:00-8:50 a.m.).

BRICKS4KIDZ – The first module for Bricks4kidz will begin on Friday, September 18. Each module will have only 4 sessions, at a cost of L1,000 per module. A Bricks4kidz representative will be in school on Friday, September 11 for those of you who are interested in enrolling your child(ren). For more information on Bricks4kidz please visit http://www.bricks4kidz.com/

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9. We will be complying and changing the holidays.
We understand that some families may have purchased tickets for trips at the end of October, and we will be as accommodating as possible in helping our students with missed work. If this is the case, please contact the teachers and/or area coordinator to make the arrangements for make up work and content.

Important Dates Coming Up:
Tuesday, Sept 8                  Mid Term
Wednesday, Sept. 9            Midterm grades on the server by 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 11                  Independence Day Celebration / Early Dismissal 11:45 a.m.
                                            Progress Reports sent home
Monday & Tuesday            Honduran Independence Day Holiday
Sept 14 & 15
Tuesday, Sept 16                MAP Fall testing session begins

P.E. Class this week
Second Grade
Besides working on following instructions, we will be strengthening laterality (i.e. right and left, around, through it).

Third Grade
We worked on the appropriate ways to warm up, each student had the opportunity to contribute with an exercise. We continue working on following instructions with games and directions given to the students, and participating in strategy games.

Fourth Grade
Students will begin to engage in activities that help in developing their physical abilities such as speed, strength and endurance.

Fifth Grade
The students will know their physical abilities in different kinds of muscle in addition to developing their motor skills.